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森林0.59b更新了什么 森林The Forest0.59b更新日志一览

时间:2017-04-24 来源:pc6游戏网

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  森林0.59b已经正式公布,下面就和小编不一起了解一下森林The Forest0.59b更新日志一览吧!


  Fixed a bug where some structures would vanish on loading games


  DS – Added a version check to servers. This will inform players if the dedicated server they are attempting to join is from a different release than the current build they are using. Players who see this message should make sure their game is up to date, or alternatively try a different server as server may not be up to date

  DS -添加到服务器的版本检查。这将通知玩家,如果他们试图加入的专用服务器是从一个不同的版本比目前的建设,他们正在使用。看到这个消息的玩家应该确保他们的游戏是最新的,或者尝试不同的服务器作为服务器可能是最新的

  DS – Connecting to a dedicated server now shows a client connecting message during the initial stages


  DS – When attempting to connect to a server that is not configured correctly, players will now receive an error message and be returned to title screen

  DS -当试图连接到服务器没有正确配置,玩家将收到一个错误信息,并返回到标题屏幕

  DS – Join server button on dedicated server has been renamed from ‘new’ to ‘join’

  DS -加入服务器按钮在专用服务器已被重命名从'新'到'加入'

  DS – Fixed basic fires not lightable by clients after loading into games


  DS – Prevented dedicated server from saving quality presets


  DS – Player list in game now shows amount of players in game

  DS -球员名单在游戏现在显示数量的球员在游戏中


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